

First Post in 2015

Hi,it since awhile that I did'nt write any blog post 
and I think my cutie blog is alone without new post,
So I gonna write my first blog post in 2015.

I have been writing blog post about five years already,
and the number of my blog post is getting lesser and lesser as year pass by.
I'm now a graduated student from my dear secondary school that I hate to enter at first but now just miss it.

Today when I'm out with my cousin to repair her car,
I just passed by a secondary school.
It was 2:45 p.m. already but i still can see some student wearing the uniform standing outside the school and waiting for the one that come to fetch them home.
I was part of them but it was last year.
This year,I am already graduate from secondary school and soon going into college to continue my study and chase my dream job.

Yesterday was my Darling's birthday, p/s:my darling was a close friend to me
Hope she stay pretty and found her prince and live happily ever.
Well,I always hope that every couples can have a happy ending just like what it happen inside those old Fairy Tale.
Happy 18th Birthday,Darling

Just last Saturday,my class give a birthday surprise to my Darling
Actually it more like a gathering,I think
I can feel the difference inside everyone in the class and it was only one month we did'nt see each other...
Am I the one that did'nt become mature and changing?
Or I am already too mature and no more space to let me become more mature than now?
Who's know about that?well,maybe God knows.

I totally hate the person that's only seen and did'nt reply message 
but sometimes myself also done this
but can the one just reply any simple answer,
just seen without reply just make me worry 

It's 10 o'clock already,good kids should get in bed now 
and get enough sleep so that there are no panda appear on the mirror when they look at the mirror
I was'nt a good kid so I'm not going to sleep now 
I'm going to watch the TV programme that waiting me 
So,Good Night to those Good Kids
And Have Fun to those Night Owl

Just a simple note here:
I did'nt mean to write this long but my finger just start flying on the keyboard 

Well,I can't stop my finger from doing that XP

Panda Lin Xing

