

No Name

I guess 8 or 9 weeks to go,
the BIGGEST exam ever in my 17-year-old life will VISIT me

but Before that exam come,
these weeks will include 
the SPM talks given by the best sub teacher in my school 
And the most important
My High School Graduation Day

In my memory,
I still can remember what 
my dearest old friend like to write on my yearbook

"Although the Famous Ship is Titanic,
But the Best Ship is Our Friendship.
Best Friend Forever."

It did say so BFF but we never Follow it
After standard six,that's not even a call or message with friend
we had been separated and went to different high school.
this is the REALITY

Sometime miracle did happen in Real Life

Along these few years,
I knew four Bestie,
"My Darling"--Hui Ee
"My Cool Alien Cow"--Kah Yee 
"My Daughter/Lord"--Yee May 
"The Stranger Walk through"--Jia Qi 

There just left 2 months something 
we will seeing each other in the secondary school
then we will face SPM 2014 and Graduation Day 2014 together 
Next we will meet outside the school
and we will go for different college and take the course we wanted

I really hope that this year would not be the end of our friendship
but is the new stage of our friendship

Good Night
Sweet Dream

Beofre i left.
Let me admire myself first because
I am using English Language for the whole blog post except My Name

 Lovely Tomoe-kun And Mizuki-kun! 
だいすき (Da-i-su-ki) 

Just [No Name]
Haha,It's Me 凛星 

